2020 National FCCLA Week

February 10-14

FCCLA Cupcake Sale - All week in the FCS Room - $0.75/each

Monday - What’s Your FCCLA Story?  Everyone has their own FCCLA story; share yours today.
Social Media Challenge: FCCLA has helped me write my leadership and career preparation story - here is my story. (Fill in with your FCCLA story.) #fcclaweek #MyFCCLAstory
Dress-Up Day: Own your story! Wear your most outrageous outfit; even if it looks crazy - own it!

Tuesday - Your Future Career Story: Share what you want to be when you grow up and how FCCLA is helping you achieve that goal. **All active, dues-paying members are invited to a pizza luncheon in the FCS room!
Social Media Challenge: I’ve always dreamed of becoming a (fill in with answer). And thanks to FCCLA, I’m one step closer to that goal. #fcclaweek #MyFCCLAfuture
Dress-Up Day: Dress up as your future career

Wednesday - Appreciate Your FCCLA Adviser and Teachers: Take this opportunity to thank your adviser and teachers.  **Teacher appreciation luncheon in the FCS room - 11:00 to 12:45.
Social Media Challenge: FCS Education is vital to student education, and I am proud to be a part of this movement.. #fcclaweek #FCCLAEducators
Dress-Up Day: Dress up like your favorite teacher

Thursday - Celebrate Your Family’s Story: Families come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. Share your family’s story.
Social Media Challenge: This is my family. They have supported my FCCLA leadership journey by (fill in how). #fcclaweek #FCCLACelebratesFamily
Dress-Up Day: Dress as a baby or an elder

Friday - Leaders in Red: Show your FCCLA spirit by rocking the red today.
Social Media Challenge: Post a selfie in red with the caption: Rockin’ the red today and every day! #fcclaweek #FCCLARocksRed
Dress-Up Day: Rock the red today for FCCLA and district basketball!